
I think the notes people include in their recipes make them more personal. If I write a note myself about a recipe, it will always be written in purple.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Halloween Haunted House

A Halloween Haunted House
2 containers (16 ounce) chocolate fudge frosting*
pretzel sticks
graham crackers
black licorice and red twists
candy corn
Foil wrapped Halloween Candy
rice crackers
Orange Sprinkles
Colored icing for writing or decorating
2 empty 1 qt. milk cartons, rinsed and dried
1 large tray covered with foil.
*You can use a thick homemade frosting instead.
Tape each milk carton closed at top. Tape milk cartons
together to make a house. Wrap with foil. Attach firmly
to the covered tray with tape. Frost cartons with chocolate frosting.
Frost the tray also to use as the lawn. Decorate with the assorted
treats! Some ideas-
*Sprinkle orange sugar on the roof of the house.
*Rice crackers make neat "attic" windows.
*graham crackers for windows and doors-highlight with icing.
*pretzel stick window panes
*M&M "pathway stones" leading to the door.
*Candy corn "icicles" under the roof
After you have the house and pathway finished add
details to the lawn area. Foil wrapped candy is great
because you buy little mummies, ghosts or pumpkins
and place them on the pathway and around the house.
Buy from the bulk section of your grocery store to get
a really good selection without having to buy a lot of
one type of candy. After all the oohs and ahs have
subsided and Halloween is over, let the kids pick off
all the candy while they discuss what to do for next
year's Haunted House Spectacular!

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